The sissy bound and fucked movies bring us a sweet farm girl who has made a very bad choice. She wants to leave her simple life in order to experience the wild sides of the city. Not knowing that men are lurking on every corner, looking for naive submissive girls, the busty babe makes the mistake of trusting this man. He leads the girl back to his dungeon where he promises her a bdsm fucking experience that will make her forget about the quaint country. The bitch is intrigued, and even recognizes some of the extreme bondage restraints that her farm had- stockades for animals, meat hooks and suspensions.
The girl is quickly put up in rope bondage and suspended from the ceiling like a slab of beef waiting to be tenderized. He mouth opens to squeal but just makes for an easy entry point for the master’s cock. After her face fucked, the slut is held back with a heavy plank of wood and her legs tied up overhead, making her cunt available for fun bdsm games of sex and submission. Only when the bitch starts cumming like crazy does she realize that she’s not in Kansas anymore.